January 2016 - Present

R&D of Smart Thermal Regulatory Underwear System (TRUS)

humantest n fit improvement.jpg

|Energy-saving Project funded by U.S. Department of Energy

|Cornell University


Different designs for multiple end-use.

Human subjects tests from qualitative and quantitative aspects.

Improvement of fit and appearance of TRUS.


September 2016 - Present

Bikram Yoga Apparel Design for Improved Body Movement and Comfort

Bikram Yoga

|Project of class Functional Aspects of Clothing and Design

|Cornell University


Identification of the mobility needs of Bikram Yoga. 

Design and development of prototype garment for use during Bikram yoga with improved comfort, and minimal impact of wearer's performance.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the new prototype designs through wearer test trials. 

Publication on International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) Annual Conference in November 2017 .


September 2016 - March 2017

Ergonomic Analysis of  Performance, Posture, and Comfort - Products condulting project for active seating & standing

|Project of class Ergonomics and Anthropometrics in Graduate level

|Cornell University


Evaluation of the effects of active versus static standing/seating on short-duration computer task performance, postural risks and perceived pain, comfort and fatigue. 

Consulting reports for sponsor company.

Two publications on Annual Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Conference (HFES) in October 2017.


December 2015 - December 2016

Biomechanics and Anthropometric Assessment on Impact of Firefighters Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) on Mobility and Body Balance


|Project funded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture

|Cornell University


Biomechanics Analysis of task-related motion of firefighters with PPE by using 3D motion capture system.

Anthropometric assessment of PPE impact through 3D body scanning process.

Design solutions for improving task-related mobility and comfort.


September - December 2015

Q-cut blue jeans study

|Project of class Human Factors: Anthropometric and Apparel

|Cornell University


Research of perceptions of blue jeans from two subset population.

Development of four innovative patterns for blue jeans that can be made to measure for customers in two 'Hard- to-fit' groups