

Cornell University

College of Human Ecology

August 2015 - Present

Master of Arts in Fiber Science and Apparel Design

GPA: 4.17/4.3

Relevant Course:

  • Human Factors: Anthropometric and Apparel,
  • Functional Aspects of Clothing and Design, Ergonomic and Anthropometrics,
  • Fibers, Fabric & Finishes,
  • Statistical Methods I&II

Tianjin Polytechnic University

College of Arts and Fashion

September 2011 - June 2015

Bachelor of Engineering in Apparel Design and Engineering

Minor: Public Affairs Management

GPA: 4.0/4.0



Work Experience

September 2015 - Present

Functional Apparel Researcher

Performance Apparel Lab,

Cornell University

in TRUS and Firefighter projects

06/2017 - Present

Golf-Shoe Design Analyst

FootJoy Company & Performance Lab, Cornell University


November 2014

Manufacture Internship

Fandao Apparels (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

October 2014 - May 2015

Visual Merchandizing Assistant

New Look Co. 


July 2014

Market Surveyor

Jeanwest Co. Beijing




Data Analysis:

R programming









Special Tools:

3D body scan systems

Geomagic® Program

3D Motion Capture System

Knitting Machine

Embroidery Machine








  • Functional Design
  • Human Subject Test
  • Sports Motion Analysis
  • Ergonomic & Human Factor Assessment
  • Pattern making
  • Draping
  • Graphic Design
  • Fitting Analysis
  • Data analysis

Projects Overview

June 2017 - Present

Exploration of Association between Golf Shoes and Turf Damage Level

|Golf-Shoe Design Analyst

|Collaboration project with the Department of Plant Science

Gait analysis / plantar pressure analysis with different types of golf shoes.


July 2016 - Present

Study of Effects of Personal Flotation Device(PFD) on Performance of Rowers

|Principle Investigator

|Master Thesis study at Cornell.

Innovative life jacket R&D based on biomechanics and ergonomic analysis of elite rowers' motion. 


January 2016 - May 2017

Development of Smart Thermal Regulatory Underwear System (TRUS)

|Co-Principle Investigator

|Energy-saving projects of U.S. Department of Energy at Cornell.

TRUS evaluation from physiological and psychological aspects of human subjects; design and optimize TRUS to achieve a better comfort and efficiency level.


September 2016 - December 2016

Bikram Yoga Apparel Design for Improved Body Movement and Comfort

|Co-Principle Investigator

|Project of class Functional Aspects of Clothing and Design at Cornell

Bikram Yoga Apparel design and evaluation based on dynamic anthropometric measurement and range of motion analysis by using 3D scanner.


September 2016 - February 2017

Ergonomic Analysis of Active Sitting and Standing Products

|Co-Principle Investigator

|Project of class Ergonomic and Anthropometrics at Cornell

Conducted ergonomic analysis of 4 commercial sitting or standing products, which includes research and analysis regarding performance, comfort and postures of users.


December 2015 - December 2016

Biomechanics and Anthropometric Assessment on Impact of Firefighters Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) on Mobility and Body Balance

|Co-Principle Investigator

|Project funded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture at Cornell

Biomechanics analysis of task-related motion of firefighters with PPE by using 3D motion capture system. Anthropometric assessment of PPE impact through 3D body scanning process.


September - December 2015

Hard to Fit: Developing Mass-customized Jeans for Q-cut

|Leader of Data analysis

|Project of class Human Factors: Anthropometric and Apparel at Cornell

Developed four innovative patterns for blue jeans that can be made to measure for customers in two ‘hard-to-fit’ groups that are outliers from contemporary sizing systems.


February - May 2014

Research and development of Clothing Tailoring Optimization System

|Team Leader

|Projects for Tianjin computer competition for college students

Developed the heuristics tailoring rules that drive the optimization process, which won the 2014 Tianjin computer competition for College Students.




  • June 2015 Outstanding Graduate Awards of TJPU
  • October 2014 National Scholarship(1 student awarded each academic year)
  • October 2014 Honorable Mention in China International Fabric Creation Competition (180 awarded out of 7000 participants)
  • May 2014 Winner of Tianjin computer competition for College Students
  • 2012-2013 Certificate of HongKong SangMa Trust Fund Scholarship (Scholarship recepient for 2 consecutive year )